
How to Get More Subscribers on YouTube For Free: 10 Tips that Actually Work

If you want to get more views on YouTube, you need to respond to viewer comments, create video playlists, design attention-grabbing thumbnails and more.

Want more views on Youtube? Of course you do. You’re a human with a pulse and a video to share! It’s only natural.

YouTube is the world’s second most visited website. More than two billion people use it every month  that’s one-third of all internet users.

What counts as a view on YouTube?

Each time a viewer intentionally initiates the playing of a video on their device and watches for at least 30 seconds, that counts as a view. Pretty simple!

If you play your own video, that will be counted as a view.

If a viewer watches your video more than once, each screening will be counted as a new view. (That being said, refreshing over and over again to try to game the system will be detected by Youtube.)

Youtube analytics are updated every day or two, so if you’re not seeing an instant reflection of your activity, check back later.

Ways to get more YouTube views

Globally, people watch over one billion hours of YouTube every single day. If you want to stand out from the crowd and snag some of those eyeballs, here’s how to do it.

1. Use Descriptive and Keyword Rich Titles 

This is where your keyword research will come into play. A descriptive and interesting title will do two things: provide keywords for the algorithm to sort for relevancy purposes and attract users and inform them about what the video is about. To conduct keyword research, you can use typical SEO methods like using keyword planner or other keyword research tools.

2. Have Quality and Keyword Rich Descriptions 

The video description is where you can better inform the search engines and users just what exactly your video is about. This will help increase the click-through-rate and thus the views, as users will know what to expect in your video.

3. Use Tags 

YouTube video tags further help distinguish what your video content about and helps the algorithm understand what users will view when they see your video. These, along with your description and title, should reflect the core of what your video is about. Think short-tail SEO again.

4. Optimize Your Thumbnail Image

Your thumbnail image can work wonders when increasing your YouTube views whether they’re on the organic results page, suggested videos section, or appearing on social media. Use high-quality images that feature readable and engaging fonts and facial-closeups, if they’re featured in your video.
Have your thumbnail be a visual correspondent to your title and description to boost your video views.

5. Provide Content that Educates or Entertains or Both

Your video content should provide value to the viewer; whether it’s teaching them how to do or understand something, or simply keeping them engaged and entertained. When users find your content valuable, they’ll return for more and increase the views on your other future video content. 

6. Post Links to Your Videos on Your Social Media Profiles 

Cross-platform promotion, especially with YouTube can work wonders in driving users to view it. You can reach your entire base by sharing links on other profiles to funnel them toward your video. Share the link as a post, or put it in the description of your profiles to boost your views.
Also, by pushing traffic from your social media profiles to YouTube, you’ll gain favor with the algorithms by becoming the source of many session starts, which are sessions that originate on certain videos on the platform. Sessions starting on your video show that your video is bringing users to YouTube, which will result in a more favorable organic ranking and more appearances in suggest views sections.

7. Find Niche Communities to Share Your Video with

There are a wide variety of places you can share your content. Different subreddits on Reddit or Quora topics that are relevant to your video’s interests and share target audiences are a great place to share your content.

There are even places just to share your video with YouTube enthusiasts to increase it’s views like the subreddit  /r/GetMoreViewsYT. On this subreddit, people post videos and vote on the ones they like the best. The winner gets stickied to the top of the subreddit for the next week for people to visit and watch.

8.Use metadata to get recommended after a popular video

If your goal is to get more YouTube views, take a cue from the most popular videos in your niche.

Start by taking a look at your top competitor’s most popular video. (Go to their video library and sort by “most popular.”)

YouTube’s main goal is to keep viewers on the platform for as long as possible (so that they’ll see as many ads as possible.) Thus the algorithm’s job is to feed viewers one (hopefully appealing) video after another.

But how does YouTube figure out what people might like? The algorithm takes the following into consideration:

  • Videos that are often watched together
  • Videos the user has watched in the past
  • Topically related videos (which requires some keyword finessing!)

The only point you can control here is the third.

9.Build relationships with your viewers

“Audience engagement” is just another term for building relationships. The end goal here, of course, is actually just the realistic, organic and sustainable path to getting more YouTube views.

10.Ask your viewers to subscribe to your channel

This might sound strange or you think that's natural if a viewer like your content will subscribe your channel but it's not true you have to tell them what to do this is called call to action, by mentioning this the chances are high that the viewer who like your content will subscribe your channel.

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Remember to Be Patient

Getting a lot of views on YouTube in organic way takes time. The platform has its own checks and balances to ensure that quality video content is reaching its users always and often. Try building an active subscriber base, and they will help you grow.